Seattle office: 


Document Scanning & Digitization Services Seattle

Scanning or digitization allows you to have instant access to your most important documents. At Micro Com Systems in Seattle, we take your needs into account when providing you with the best solution.

Our scanning process guarantees accuracy between original and scanned documents allowing for accurate and efficient workflow automation.

Paper Documents

Paper Document Scanning

We can digitally scan any size paper documents. Mixed sizes and weights? No problem!

Large Format

Large Format Scanning

Oversize maps and plans that need to be digitized ? We scan thousands or large format images every day.


Microfilm Scanning

With a fleet of Sunrise scanners we scan 16 and 35mm roll microfilm and all formats of microfiche and convert to digital images!

Aperture Cards

Aperture Card Scanning

Our Seattle scanning facility specializes in Aperture Card scanning (or AP Card scanning) with our two Wicks and Wilson devices.

Ugly Records

Ugly Record Scanning

Digitizing various sized invoices & receipts? Paper files in bad shape? Lots of attachments? Plenty of staples? We have a solution!

On Site

On Site Digitization Service

If your files are highly confidential, or if you have a significant volume of work to digitize, we can come to you!

Medical Imaging

Medical Records Scanning

We have scanned thousands and thousands of patient charts and medical records.


Archival / Non-Destructive Scanning

We also specialize in Archival and Non-Destructive Scanning – ideal for digitizing valuable books and converting rare documents or entire libraries into searchable digital files.

Micro Com Systems

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Micro Com Systems Washington Ltd. Does not discriminate in employment or the delivery of services and resources on the basis of age, sex, race, creed, color, sexual orientation, or national origin, or the presence of any physical, mental or sensory disability.

Seattle Scanning Services

Digitizing and scanning services Document management services Microfiche scanning services
Microfilm scanning services Large format scanning services Invoice Scanning & Accounts Payable OCR

Document Imaging Scanners & Document Processing Systems For Sale

Micro Com Systems
5900 4th Avenue South, Suite 101